funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Side ride slow motion

Life, Memes, and Business: ENE How’s it goin’? How’s what going? You know, things, life, whatnot. ENC Life is not whatnot, and it’s none of your business. Sixteen Candles

Just a normal day in Norway

The big sad

You can thank me for making sure your phone gets service.

Getting the last out in dodgeball

A Fresh Hot Batch of Memes

A Fresh Hot Batch of Memes 1

Sometimes life is full of surprises.

Cobra kai is compelling !

Blood types.

Just let the handle flail around, it's gonna be cool

3D printer without cpu.

Free Cable

Crying, Gandalf, and Work: birdblinder me, looking at the current state of the world, crying:I wish none of this had happened… Gandalf, materialising in my conscience, smiling kindly: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, besides the will of evil geekinglikeaboss This is wonderfully helpful. An interesting title

Casually walking your dog then suddenly boss music started playing

*Old Spice noises*

I would like to have one

Early Etch-a-Sketch

Nice prank in the woods

*Sad Ash Noise

What would you do when you hear this scream?

Winter has come to construction site

Was finally going on a date with crush after 3 weeks of talking on the phone for hours every day. She ends it 2 days before…

Can we please have these in the next Winter Olympics. Can you imagine adapting them to work for skis and skates?

Break checking with a motorcycle

Man getting caked on his birthday.

Since Black Friday is coming up soon, we gotta remind our selves what it’s really about!

Politician promised to build a bridge, went missing and came back just before elections to promise them again to build the same bridge.

Found The Female Jedi!

KeEp YoUr ShIrT oN

Work from home

Hillary now accuses Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein of working with the Russians. Just when i thought she could not look more pathetic after rigging the DNC against Bernie and lost to Trump she surprised me.

The girl looks hot. Any links?

Humblebrag of the century

And the rest was history…

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