‘100% tax on podcasters’: People reveal their most radical non-partisan opinions

Pretty much everybody has the ability to court controversy with their opinions if they really want to. There is always somebody who will disagree with even the most anodyne of viewpoints, and it is also surprisingly doable to come out with a controversial opinion without tying it to some form of party politics.

This is the conclusion that many reached after a prompt on Twitter asked people to share their most radical opinions that they didn’t think could easily be categorized as left-wing or right-wing. Unsurprisingly, an assortment of issues were raised here that gave some food for thought, even if they weren’t necessarily the most agreeable points of view. The internet has taught us that people are willing to argue about anything, and this shows that in full display. Perhaps we are witnessing tomorrow’s discourse topics develop in front of us in real-time without even realizing what is happening.