35+ History Memes That Will Make History

Memes are a part of history. They might not have existed in ancient Babylon or during the Crusades, but they will undoubtedly be in the history books in the not-so-distant future. Memes express what real people were thinking about historical moments while they were happening better than their memories ever could. I might remember how I felt after the 2016 election, but a meme from that night is documented proof of what a person felt, which is a lot more valuable to historical study. Memes literally change the way that people view historical figures. Before a couple of years ago, Jackie Onassis Kennedy was widely perceived as a glamourous fashion icon. Now, Gen Z can’t look at her without thinking of her gnawing on sheets of metal.

These memes are not likely to be historically relevant in the study of memes, but they are history memes, and they’re perfect if you want a blast from the past.