A Spiritual Experience of 33 Memes
Ever feel like you need to know if there is something more to this puny existence that we have? If you do, you won’t be the first, nor will you be the last. The hope and desire that there is meaning in the madness a hidden depth that not everybody can see is a compelling idea that countless individuals have dedicated lifetimes to.
Some may argue that the existence of memes is a loud and proud refutation of this, embracing a pointless nihilism of endless tiny tidbits of entertainment. Here at Memebase, though, we would like to think a little differently. Perhaps the act of looking at memes isn’t just simple procrastination, but rather a temporary ascension to a more spiritual plane of amusement through which the internet is a portal. That being said, you don’t have to believe in it to scroll on and enjoy this selection of memes.