funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Robin Williams explains alcohol blackouts

Pole vault jump

What could go wrong Running a biker off the road

Dogs deserve bros too

What you want? Big Mac and some good fight! Say no more fam

Cars, Driving, and Energy: To all the school kids who are on about Climate Change and thinking of striking again: You are the first generation who have required air-conditioning in every classroom You want TV in every room and your classes are all computerised. You spend all day and night on electronic devices More than ever, you don’t walk or ride bikes to school but arrive in caravans of privatee cars that choke local roads and worsen rush hour traffic You are the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good expensive luxury items to stay trendy, Your entertainment comes from electric devices. Furthermore, the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on inflating the population growth through immigration, which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport The more people we have, the more forest and bushland we clear and more of the artificially environment is destroyed. How about this… Tell your teachers to switch off the air-con Walk or ride to school. Switch off your devices and read a book. Make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food No, none of this will happen because you are selfish, badly educated, virtue signalling little ‘princesses’, inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a ‘noble cause’ while they indulge themselves in Western luxury and unprecedented quality of life. Wake up, grow up and learn to research facts and think for yourself and not blindly accept the words and thoughts of others – I don’t think you formulated this action plan all by your self suspect you may have had some influence and ‘guidance’ from those you trust..a word of warning, be cautious of the influence of the left’ because there may be a time in the future that you will be the ones left out… ….C Good ol’ boomers

Ur the GOAT kind sir!

Another great way to piss Mike Pence off

Can you relate?

Katie Sandwina, born in 1884 and known as "Lady Hercules", could bend iron bars and lift her 165-pound (75kg) husband above her head with one hand. She performed until her 60s

Doggy style counts for double

In case you all forgot this exists.

Very helpful guidel

Pregnancy, Air, and Can: Can Can @Kanii Rah Pregnancy is in the air and I’m not trynna catch none of that mess!! Boitumelo Mothiba @Boy2meloh You are closing the wrong hole She thinks it’s an airborne disease.

They're human too

Babies first ice cream

Tough choice.

Dug myself into a hole with this one.

Fast and furious virus

Poste title…

At least the toddler is putting in some effort.

Twitter madlad

Tutorial gif how to save your pet from angry raccoon

Calling teachers by their names

Cool dog

Samurai cat.

Spending time with your kids is important

What a dad

Huh? Oil?

Something cool complete

Anyone curious to know how easily we are manipulated?

Click, One, and May: Tahu There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Tahu The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details /KitharaTheRider He could be any one of us

Two face democrats

People have mixed reactions to Seattle’s new NHL team name… the Kraken (20 Photos)

I know people are fed up of this but still..

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