funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Never forget how fast George bush’s reflexes were

Made me smile

Careless Whisper

Nice prank in the woods

Pregnancy, Air, and Can: Can Can @Kanii Rah Pregnancy is in the air and I’m not trynna catch none of that mess!! Boitumelo Mothiba @Boy2meloh You are closing the wrong hole She thinks it’s an airborne disease.

The way they construct those cool paths

If you look in the same direction your opponent points, you lose.

GET PAID TO PLAY. 9GAG Game Testers Round 3 is here! Join it now for a chance to win up to US$400!

Winter has come to construction site

Click, One, and May: Tahu There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Tahu The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details /KitharaTheRider He could be any one of us

Women Drivers

We Just Want Free Stuff

*Sad Ash Noise

Project Mk Ultra: The system does not need to try to control us anymore, since we are making us being controlled by ourselves.

Beard man bad

80s Movie tribute

And the Troll of the decade goes too..

Dug myself into a hole with this one.

Making sure kitty is safe

Love thy self

At least she tried. (not mine)

Go ahead and touch me-WHY U TOUCH ME?!

Baby Woodland Critter Get Together

What a time to be alive

Just enter, God dammit!

Electronic Housefly Trap

We got fun and games

That’s one huge turtle!

Business, Fuck, and Information: She’s viewing sensitive information. It’s none of her business if there’s enough funds left for the kid or enough for the king of ten-buck-two Vote the king of ten-buck-two. What the fuck? Vote The kingdom of Ten-buck-two.

Don't be be a fool! Vote when young!

F**kin madlads

Like all that wasn't enough

NASA employee

The struggle is real.

Time-lapse of bread baking

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