funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

When your cup noodle hates you too

No he did not :O

Somebody saw the legendary scene from up close

Beluga Whale Returns Go Pro!

Teach lions to eat leaves.

Just enter, God dammit!

The years of satellite images of Chernobyl before and after the big ‘boom’

Hey there, demons, it's me, ya boi

Don't be too hard on yourself – you might be already doing better than you think

Dream catcher

Ninja skills

I can’t wait for them to participate


Katie Sandwina, born in 1884 and known as "Lady Hercules", could bend iron bars and lift her 165-pound (75kg) husband above her head with one hand. She performed until her 60s

This is what I call being smart

Quiz, Women, and Yes: Which Founding Father Are You? 1. Should women be allowed to vote? Yes No Which Founding Father Are ou? You’re none of them! You’re actually none of America’s fourding fathers. Try to radicaly alter your views on women’s sufrage and take this quiz again SHARE YOUR RESULTS f

Dogs deserve bros too

Some of you have no chill …

Click, Penis, and Gay: Gay Penis There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Gay Penis. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. My guy

How to clean properly

Farmers in South Africa are getting serious about security

F**k this deer in particular

Pull up

Raise Independent Children!

Don't worry mate. I'm fine

The level of dedication

Sledding is a dangerous game



Let's do it! That'll teach 'em! All they have was built by us!

Studley Tool Chest held 220 tools in a 40 by 20 inch box that could hang on the wall. It held tools to make pianos.

Go Back Where Ya Came From

Well thats it, he is the chosen one

So this is where it comes from huh

Madness in great ones must not unwatched go

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