funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Swollen eyes

Just gonna wait casually for the comments to start.

Replacing a driveway, timelapse!

Birthday, Crush, and Drugs: Pick a number? THE BASICS REDDIT SEX & SEXUALITY 1. Age 49. Are you a virgin 25. How many followers do you have 2. Gender 26. Favorite subreddit 50. Has anyone seen you naked 3. Height 27. Favorite redditor 51. Have you any tattoos /piercings 52. Have you had a same-sex experience 4. Weight 28. Amount of time you spend on reddit 5. Where are you from 29. How many people have you chatted with 53. Have you ever sent a nude 6. Zodiac sign 30. Last person you DM’d/Chatted 54. Have you ever sexted 7 First name 31. How many subreddits do you follow 55. Have you ever kissed anyone 56. Am 1 attractive 8 Birthday 32. Do you follow any NSFW subreddits LOOKS FAVORITE THINGS SEXUAL NSFW 33. Hair style 9 Favorite color 57 Bra/dick size 10. Favorite food 34. Hair color 58. Pubic hair: natural, trimmed, shaved or none Favorite music genre 11 35. Eye color 59. Do you have any body hair 12. Favorite song 60. Guys only: are you circumcised 36. Body type/build 37. Ethnicity 61. How often do you masturbate 13. Favorite movie Favorite tv show 62. Last time you masturbated 14. 38. Favorite outfit 39. What are you wearing 63. Have you ever watched porn 15. Favorite animal 64. Ideal sexual/physical attributes 16. Favorite thing to do 40. Type of underwear you wear 65. Favorite sexual fantasty LIFE /EXPERIENCE RELATIONSHIPS 66. Turns ons /Turn offs Your hobbies /sports 17 41 Sexuality 67. Any kinks 18. Future job/ ambitions 42. Relationship status 43. Who is your crush 19. Have you drank /smoked MISC. 20. Have you done drugs 44. Celebrity crush 68. Send a selfle 70. Send me a DM/Chat message 21. Do you have any pets 45. Have you ever cheated on someone 46. Ideal girlfriend/boytriend 71. Ask whatever you like (can’t say no) 22. Best memory 72. Ask me one 23. Most embarrassing moment 47 Idea of a perfect date 24. Dream vacation 48. Have you asked anyone out I’m going to regret this. M15

Baby Rhino killed and thrown into a bin in Kenya…

I love Trump. He is honest. No diplomatic BS just the facts people want to hear

Is it just me?


We could try it again

Photography 100

Some ducks near a river

1.87 m High Tides in Venice during the night. Lots of damage to the city, which was completely submerged. 2 dead people

When everybody on this platform steals memes, so you do too

This scene of cows in nature drinking from a stream brings me peace of mind

Life is full lies

Was finally going on a date with crush after 3 weeks of talking on the phone for hours every day. She ends it 2 days before…

Right Wingers: "I hate SJW, they get triggered by everything" Game launches with pronoun options Right Wingers: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Natural selection

Laying down double lines at parking lot !!

Bad@ss fight scenes are the reason why we love movies (21 GIFs)

Add Hillary Clinton

Best, Waifu, and Fox: I, Speedwagon, shall allow none to lewd this fox! One best Waifu protecting other best Waifu.

How to clean properly

Everyday objects zoomed in is oddly satisfying.

Click, Cool, and Dank Memes: Tarapolomosoko Potopopopo There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Tarapolamosoko Potopopopa The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or nane at all. Click here for more details Impossible. Trilapomososobo Extramorsolofo There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Trilapamososoba Extramorsolofa. The estimates for ane or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details Very cool name

Floofy or chonky?

“Why are you geh?”

Train ride in Switzerland

Wholesome friendship

Some of you have no chill …

Apparently, Comfortable, and Dogs: dogs know how to live i wish i could be a dog for a day r’d run until i couldn’t feel my paws i’d pant the heat away and i’d sleep anywhere i found comfortable i’d soak up the sun with no worries or respon- sibilities and i’d use all my enhanced senses to the best of my abilities i’d chase any living creature around a field and stretch whenever my muscles began to cramp i’d bark and howl at the shining moon until the sun stretched over the horizon i’d chase my tail until utter exhaustion hit me and then i’d crash and cuddle up next to a warm fireplace apparently, none of this is good enough for us humans

Africa, Asian, and Chicago: A Tale of Two Cities: Chicago IL Houston TX 2.7 million Population 2.15 million $ 38,600 Median Household Income $37,000 Africa-American 24.0% 39% Hispanic 30% 44% Asian 6% 6% Non-Hispanic White 29% 26% Both cities are quite similar in population Employees in the Police force: 13,500 5.318 Concealed carry legal? No yes Number of dedicated gun stores 184 none Number of other places selling guns 1500 none Homicides 2012 1,806 207 Homicides per 10o thousand 38,4 9,6 Please explain again how less guns and more police makes society more safe? Because the only difference between Chicago and Houston is guns, Gran

Have you ever felt you are driving in a dream….

How Would You Respond To This?

Birthday, Crush, and Drugs: Pick a number? THE BASICS REDDIT SEX & SEXUALITY 49. Are you a virgin 1 Age 25. How many lollowers do you have 26. Favorite subreddit 2 Gander 50, Has anyone seen you naknd 51. Have you any tattoos/piercings 27. Favorke redditor 3 Height 4 Weight 28. Amount of time you spond on reddit 52. Have you had a same sex experience Where are you from 5 29. How many people have you chatted with 53. Havo you ever sent a nude 6 Zodiac sign 30. Last person you DM’d/Chatted 54. Have you ever sexted 7 First name 31. How many subreddils do you follow 55. Have you ever kissed anyone 8 Birthday 32. Do you foliow any NSFW subreddits 56. Ami attractive LOOKS FAVORITE THINGS SEXUAL NSFW 9 Favorite color 33. Hair slylo 57 Bra/dick sizo 10. Favorite lood 34. Hair color 58. Pubic hair natural, trimmed, shaved or none 11 Favorite music genre 35. Eye color 59. Do you have any body hair 12. Favorite song 36. Body type/buld 60. Guys-only are you circumcised 61. How often do you masturbate 13. Favorite movie 37. Ethnicity 14. Favorite tv show 38. Favorite outfit 62. Last time you masturbated 15. Favorite animal 39. What are you wearing 63. Have you ever watched pom 64. Ideal sexual/physical attributes 16. Favorite thing to do 40. Type of underwear you wear 65. Favorite sexual fantasty LIFE/EXPERIENCE RELATIONSHIPS 66. Turns ons / Turn offs 41 Sexuality 17. Your hobbics/sports 67 Any kinks 18. Future job/ambitions 42. Relationship status 43 Who is your crush MISC. 19 Have you drank / smoked 20. Have you done drugs 44. Celebrity crush 68. Send a selfie 70. Send me a DM/Chat message 21. Do you have any pets 45. Have you ever cheated on someone 46. Ideal girttriend/boytriend 22. Best memory 71. Ask whatever you ike (can’t say no) 23. Most embarrassing moment 47. Idea of a perfect date 72. Ask me one 24. Dream vacation 48. Have you asked anyone out EXTENDED EDITION JULY 2019 THE REDDIT R/TEENAGERS PICK A NUMBER GAME 12:38pm rn

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