funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Chinese pole routine

Facepalm + Offside

Talented musicians.

Break, Today, and Video: 9 year olds don’t mind PewDiePie taking a break. They just want to be warned before. A lot of people wait for a new PewDiePie video just to realize that there is none coming out today

Please no touching

Aw geez

Foster mom is making sure kittens have full tummies

Feels bar has opened. What is bothering you fellas?

Project Mk Ultra: The system does not need to try to control us anymore, since we are making us being controlled by ourselves.

This is the best cold opening of The Office ever. S7E6 – Stanley Wouldn’t Notice!

Born at the right generation

Guys, I did It!

He will be epsteined soon

Tutorial gif how to save your pet from angry raccoon

Circus monkey becomes overwhelmingly ecstatic when seeing a friend after a year of separation (happy freakout)

His partner didn't show up.

* Change my mind *

Cutting a coconut

League of Legends, Zed, and Jinx: Yasuo ban Jinx ban Renekton ban Zed ban Teemo ban Blitzcrank ban Draven ban None ban Seriously, there is no point

What kind of nonsense is this? Holy f**k

Seriously, got me thinking

GET PAID TO PLAY. 9GAG Game Testers Round 3 is here! Join it now for a chance to win up to US$400!

Make Hungary great again

Fucking, Shit, and The Hound: thessolonicaria silkygoldmilkweed silkygoldmilkweed Everybody is excited for Dany to meet Ghost but l’m also excited for Ghost to meet the Hound. 138 notes Not only did none of this happen but Dany and the Hound are both dead, fucking Bran is king, and little shit Tyrion is living happily ever after

Nobody loves making a show like this guy! he could just sit down with Trump and finalize a bill, pass it into Law. Yet, he USES the Dreamers at every angle. One day some of you dreamers might own businesses, make money and realize how bad you got played! Again!

Sometimes life is full of surprises.

How Would You Respond To This?

Peace was never an option. And "No" was never a valid answer

League of Legends, Lost, and Access: New champion is black New champion’s name starts with N Nautilus Nunu & Willump None New champion’s name is… No 10-GAME CHAT RESTRICTION Because a player-triggered review found your in-game comms to be negative or inflammatory, your use of in-game chat’s been restricted. In add ition to suspension, you’ve lost access to certain privileges like free Loot chests or other positive player rewards until you demonstrate an ongoing pattern of good sportsmanship after your chat restriction ends. New champion’s name is demonetized

Being at a buffet with some chinese

Dreamcatcher broken

Riding the mighty centipede

Mamma mia

Toss a coin to your wither

Expecto Patronum.

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