funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Don’t Want None, Reddit, and White: if the coke ain’t this white, i dont want none Purest powder in the land

That orange colour.

Frem Red Coat to Red Hat

Friction welding gone bad

Winter has come to construction site

That time of year?

Guy Fieri: Fire Type

Deep inside Louise

Serious discussion thread (Oct 15 – 21)


Danish language is beautiful

This "doctor" deserves to die

Please help Hong Kong

Found that…

Enough to make a grown man cry

Baby Tapir ❤

Sledding is a dangerous game

Talented tongue

I’d say the wedding videographer did a splendid job

Fireworks Japan are next level

Everything is better with commentators

When you have a slutty wife

This Chemical Reaction Looks Like It's Straight Out of a Horror Movie.

It was 1999, the biggest kid on the block shot a wet one of these directly to my belly. I saw death that day and survived.

Crush, Drugs, and Food: Pick a number? THE BASICS SEX & SEXUALITY 1. Age+ Gender 25. Are you a virgin 2 Height Weight 3. Where are you from 26. What are you wearing 27. Type of underwear you wear 4. Favorite color 28. Have you had a same-sex experience 5. Favorite food 29. Have you ever sent a nude 6 Favourite music genre 30. Have you ever sexted 31 Have you ever kissed anyone 7 Favorite tv show 32. Ideal looks & personality traits 8 Favorite movie SEXUAL NSFW LIFE EXPERIENCE 9 Your hobbies / sports) 33. Bra/ dick size 10. Best memory 34. Pubic hair: natural, trimmed, shaved or none 35. Guys-only: are you circumcised 11 Most embarrassing moment 12. Darkest secret 36. How often do you masturbate 13. Have you drank/smoked 37. Last time you masturbated 38. Favorite sexual fantasty 14. Have you done drugs 15. Do you have tattoos /piercings 39. Turns ons/ Turn offs 16. What is your dream vacation 40. Any kinks RELATIONSHIPS MISC. 41. Send a selfie 17 Sexuality 42. Ask whatever you like (can’t say no) 18. Relationship status 43. Answer one 19. Who is your crush yourself 20. Have you ever cheated on someone 21. Celebrity crush 22. Ideal girlfriend/boyfriend 23. Worst date 24. Idea of a perfect date THE REDDIT R/TEENAGERS PICK A NUMBER GAME V3 JUNE 2019 Ask me questions please

That’s all folks!

Yes… Yes they do

They're human too

Life is like a hurricane….

Spent about 20 minutes on the phone with the state police tonight while behind a drunk driver. Luckily they were arrested. If you drink and drive, f**k you.

This incredible whale breach

Germany in a nutshell

Sure sure they say..

This happens every time

These two cans

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