funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.


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Baby Woodland Critter Get Together

Facebook, Friends, and Arkansas: 1 hr MaJor indicators that the girl you don’t know who’s adding you on facebook might want to sell you something from their MLM: 1. From a small town in Arkansas/Missouri 2. Have a few mutual friends, but none that you’ve talked to in the last year 3. Has something like "mama bear" or "WAHM" in their Facebook bio, bonus points for "girl boss" 4. Share a bunch of posts asking for your personal opinion to help their engagement to sell their crappy products 5. If accepted, will like all of your posts for the next two weeks to condition you for the impending "HEY GIRL!" DM 13 Comments My friend nails it on how to spot a hun-bot from a (Facebook) mile away

Hol up

Democrats are too emotional!!!1

Cool twist

Does it work

It is confusing

I`m already pregnant

Balls stuck at the same place on a tree.

Is it just me?

Baby brother

Ramund (Danish folk song from around the 1600s) on Nyckelharpa by Myrkur

We Just Want Free Stuff

If you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, would you capture it or just let it slip?

Monster: Aww maaaan

Winter has come to construction site

This what a NASA launchpad looks like during a launch

I see purple

Time-lapse of bread baking

This incredible whale breach

Pacific Rim miniature

Electronic Housefly Trap

The media

May the force be with you

Your daily dose of redhead

Lyric's lunch time

The living soul of Freddy

“Gold has killed more souls than iron”

Jojo, Never, and Gentleman: Me after Pewds said that he only has watched Part 1 of jojo I, Speedwagon, shall allow none to harm this gentleman! What? You’ve never seen JoJo?

Don't be too hard on yourself – you might be already doing better than you think

Lel Wut

Have a nice weekend guys

Give that man a dollar.

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