funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Robber definitely didn’t plan well

Now you can Rest in Peace – This is how you play MineSweeper

This guy making a miniature detailed dagger from bolts

Twitter madlad


Cutting metal like its butter

Funny, The Worst, and Yo: Enjoy your movie! BUTTS ROCКУVI You too? Thanks, you too! You too! Yo You too?ton? You too? Oh don’t worry Anyway None of this blood is mine Long story short, I panicked Easily the worst art style I’ve seen from these "funny" comic pages

Click, Meme, and Minecraft: Dio Brando There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Dio Brando. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details u/SPARTAN-117a Laughs in Za Warudo I know it’s not a Minecraft meme I’m sorry

Someone talked…

When you have a slutty wife

Yeah that's not happening

Man chased by police gets tripped

Bob Ross.

I guess I'll see ya later

Woah, cool game mechanics

Bad@ss fight scenes are the reason why we love movies (21 GIFs)

Blood types.

Yaar har har

Beast mode..engaged.

Ass, Children, and Crazy: It’s ok if you have your own beliefs and thinking process ,I respect how you stand behind your opinion be lying You’re still on google.? Lol. Girl you won’t be able to prove anyone wrong. This life just repeats itself. We have argued about this countless of times. This is just the energy (me) challenging myself to see how much I’ll put up with. I knowI can put up with a lot. This comment I am typing up may look crazy to y’all. But maybe am crazy. Like I said, DUALITY is NEEDED Replies Tw Like Bro I know you’re fuckin lying PLEASEEEE do your research You know that we have had the technology to build iPhones and all sorts of things, yearsssss ago. The elite intelligence knows pretty much everything and it’s up to them for whether or not they want to release certain information to us it’s okay. I wouldn’t NOT get my child vaccinated either, I just don’t agree with the programming. But I know in my heart that I’m not paranoid. And the definition of conspiracy is a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. So even in that statement,I am OO10 1w Like 1w Like Ni know you have your different views but I’m glad we are adults about this. ( a thanks man I’m sorry m enlightened. Clearly, none of you have experienced Ego death. So therefore, most of you are very close minded when it comes to this topic. Which is okay. There has to be a balance. Not everyone is subjected to believing in the same things. If Tw Like O011 1w Like There’s cures for cancer and 1w Like Tdont. I think your notions are dangerous to organized society can spread diseases, sicknesses, injuries, misinformation, and blatant stupidity. aids, but everyone who discovers it and wants to share it Okay wacko …have a nice day 17 not wrong. To think that everything the government does for us is "safe" is unwise. with the public, gets killed, and they cover it up by saying the person died of natural causes or they committed suicide 1w Like we all believed in the same You’re a moronic antivaxxer and 60 thing, everything would be perfect", and that just wouldn’t make any sense does acid ones stoppp 1w Like Population Control is very much real. You would see us all as numbers if you were in a government helping run things too. Or maybe you wouldn’t Maybe you would be one of the few good people in there with pure intentions. With great power comes great responsibility, and that is very true for the people in control. So…. anyone can act fake. We have all done it at least once in Imaooo girl jus your opinions have no scientific backing or anchor in reality and hope you never procreate or have children so you never get the chance to let your unvaccinated sperm bombs loose in the world. Aka my Doctor that passed a 1w Like year ago 0 1w Like 46 1w Like Once 1w Like 1w Like He had a cure for cancer, he said you could grow it in your back yard. He couldn’t say what it was though. Every time I visited him, he told me about how all these doctors don’t know wtf they are doing or talking about, and that he was up against Big Pharma Stopying to sound deep it’s not factual whatsoever. I base my beliefs on SCIENCE because it’s FACTUAL You’re just talking out of your ass because you think I started tripping when I was 14 That’s just very rude and judgmental. First off, I’m not an antivaxer, I never once said I wouldn’t have my child vaccinated. So sit down 1w Like I am 20 now o O0 you’re "enlightened" 1w Like Tw Like 0053 1w Like I’m going now. You can believe what you want Duality is needed. So go ahead. Good day to you all. He always sounded so stressed and like there was a lot more I stopped tripping because now if Ieven have a singular tab, I go too deep and become the energy our lives, so why couldn’t our government too.? I make valid points. I’m talking about beyond the information that is given to us. I was a master in ELA, especially with context clues. It’s like when you have a kid.. they could be a great kid, sure, but ANYTHING could fuck that up for them one day. No matter the reasoning. As goes for our people in control. Think about going on than what he vented to me about. And what he was Vaccines wnere first introduced when it’s still and there is no in 1796 just so you know saying out loud was scary as it wave length for me to see lifes was 0015 0 1w Like 1w Like 1w Like and then I have to go through that for a few thousand years till I remember what it’s like to be Next thing you know, they say he shot himself in the face Okay n we you decide to not vaccinate your child n they end up catching some rare & FULLY PREVENTABLE disease, I hope you think of me Tw Like separate from thyself cary Crge e wpctancy y y raen Lpy w ry Cy 1w Like When he literally had just gotten married a month before Esgnt ee pd To love D Tw Like HO36 OH037 1w Like 1w Like that Someone wanted him to shut the 1w Like OBO018 fuck up 6d Like I meditate 10 You’re still on google.? Lol. Girl you won’t be able to prove anyone wrong. This life just repeats itself. We have argued 1w Like Duality is the reason we all exist Positive and negative charges constantly at battle. The law of Energy. It cannot be created, nor destroyed -but it can be transferred into MATTER. Matter CLOSE And clearly he said no DO We are all humans here And I can go there just as easily 1w Like through that 6d Like about this countless of times 1w Like And now he’s gone Ds This is just the energy (me) challenging myself to see how much l’ll put up with. I knowI can put up witha lot. This comment I am typing up may look crazy to y’all. But maybe I am crazy. Like I said, DUALITY is NEEDED 1w Like s No one is perfect. But I’m not really going anywhere 10 is what.? Solids, liquids, and gasses. Therefore, we are energy. Same story with god but with scientific FACTS So no, I’m not with conspiracy. Im with common sense and I 1w Like don’t let myself be BRAINWASHED like you It’s all here 1w Like 20 1w Like 1w Like I sense that you’re a flat earther 00 24 Every dimension 1w Like & life expectancies have 1w Like Accidentally found this hyperintelligent being on a pro-vaxx post


Is it just me?

Women Drivers

Woman Saves A Koala From Bushfires By Wrapping Her Shirt Around It

Amazing eyebrows

Dumbass OP

You know the rest.

Porkpetual motion

Click, Information, and Page: il TIM 4:32 PM Not Secure The estimat absolute. T rcent of people with at all. Click details. st name Felix Felix Kjellburg There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Felix Kjellburg. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. e results to your web page: es not contain any personal information) HowManyOfMе He could be any one of us

Cat’s flawless hop

In case you all forgot this exists.

Ecuador riots

Nobody loves making a show like this guy! he could just sit down with Trump and finalize a bill, pass it into Law. Yet, he USES the Dreamers at every angle. One day some of you dreamers might own businesses, make money and realize how bad you got played! Again!

Poste title…

Hong Kong police shoot student without weapon

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