funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.


Who else dos this

Impeach this monster!

The beautiful Cherry blossom in Japan

Greta Thunberg, the savior of Earth

South Park creators issue an apology after their show gets banned in China.

Let's start Civil war in the comments right now

How to surprise a Disney Princess


Pregnancy, Air, and Can: Can Can @Kanii Rah Pregnancy is in the air and I’m not trynna catch none of that mess!! Boitumelo Mothiba @Boy2meloh You are closing the wrong hole She thinks it’s an airborne disease.

VidEo gAmeS CauSE ViOlencE

Jojo, Never, and Gentleman: Me after Pewds said that he only has watched Part 1 of jojo I, Speedwagon, shall allow none to harm this gentleman! What? You’ve never seen JoJo?

Lyric's lunch time

Mamma mia

But it will work this time

Rainproof car mirror sticker

F indeed

How to introduce your little sibling

When the drugs kick in

A flying car on a test flight in 1949.


The zweihänder sword that belonged to Grutte Pier (1480-1520), Friesian pirate and warlord

Sometimes life is full of surprises.

Congratulations Kentucky… now do Moscow Mitch

We frens?

Fucking, Shit, and The Hound: thessolonicaria silkygoldmilkweed silkygoldmilkweed Everybody is excited for Dany to meet Ghost but l’m also excited for Ghost to meet the Hound. 138 notes Not only did none of this happen but Dany and the Hound are both dead, fucking Bran is king, and little shit Tyrion is living happily ever after

Oh well…

Everyday struggle…

Click, All The, and All: Select all the squares with parasites if there are none, click skip C SKIP

Confused Gen Z works office job, complains that they get 5 days of work done in 2: ‘Is this what life is going to be like for the next 50 years?’

Therapist: Harambephant isn't real. He can't hurt you. Harambephant:


MLM Burn.

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