funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

When you claim to support the workers, the working class……….but have no clue what a farm or a field looks like.

Guys, I did It!

When Americans ask me how Europe really is, I play them this song.

Why you always lying

The patterns it makes are really cool

MMA Fighter insane armbar reversal! (Charles “Krazy Horse” Bennet)

League of Legends, Lost, and Access: New champion is black New champion’s name starts with N Nautilus Nunu & Willump None New champion’s name is… No 10-GAME CHAT RESTRICTION Because a player-triggered review found your in-game comms to be negative or inflammatory, your use of in-game chat’s been restricted. In add ition to suspension, you’ve lost access to certain privileges like free Loot chests or other positive player rewards until you demonstrate an ongoing pattern of good sportsmanship after your chat restriction ends. New champion’s name is demonetized

Baby Woodland Critter Get Together

They love eachother very much

Automatic sprinkler test

Childhood love of a whole generation

I‘ve got a feeling

The cool sounds liquid make

Please no touching

Funny Vintage gold short film

Nobody loves making a show like this guy! he could just sit down with Trump and finalize a bill, pass it into Law. Yet, he USES the Dreamers at every angle. One day some of you dreamers might own businesses, make money and realize how bad you got played! Again!

NFL player of the week.

Force of an air drop

Born at the right generation

What really happened to the dinosaurs

British Karen Trump

How the real samurai should fight with katana

Name this horror movie

Baby stops breathing – fireman comes to the rescue

Sure sure they say..

That’s all folks!

What the hell is wrong with the referee….

Australia, you are starting to piss me off

I am speed

Too fast too furious

I know people are fed up of this but still..

Raised by dad

What a beautiful country

Trump's literally just enforcing the existing laws to accomplish this btw…

UPspecial guy !!

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