funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Post title…

1967 to 2018 same bike, same couple

I brex your pardon…?

Politoons starts from 00:10

Im in Club Pen15

A marine bologist films this octopus changing colors while dreaming and it's spectacular

Tight dresses go hand in hand with the weekend (50 Photos)

F**kin madlads

Fireworks Japan are next level

Let's do it! That'll teach 'em! All they have was built by us!


Sledding is a dangerous game

How is your life?

Does it work

How old are you? Me:

Crush, Love, and Nsfw: Pick a number? LOOKS MY BODY NSFW 24. Bra/dick size 1 Ethnicity 25. Do you have any body hair 2. Hair style 26. Pubic hair: natural, trimmed, shaved or none 3. Hair color 27. Guys-only: are you circumcised 4. Eye color 28. Favorite physical attribute about yourself Body type /build 5. 6 What are you wearing SEXUAL NSFW 7 Type of underwear you wear 31. Have you ever watched porn 3 things you love about yourself 8 32. Have you ever watched gay porn 33. Type of pom you watch most often RELATIONSHIPS 34. What age did you start masturbating 9 Sexuality 35. How often do you masturbate 10. Relationship status 11. Who is your crush 36. Last time you masturbated 37. Guys-only: Last time you were hard 12. Celebrity crush 38. Ideal sexual /physical attributes 13. Have you ever cheated on someone 39. Favorite sexual fantasty 14. Ideal girtfriend/boyfriend 40. Have you ever fantasized about- 15. Idea of a perfect date someone of the same-sex 16. Have you asked anyone out 41. Turns ons/ Turn offs 42. Any kinks SEX & SEXUALITY 17. Are you a virgin MISC. 18. Has anyone seen you naked 43. Send me a selfie 19. Have you any tattoos /piercings 44. Send me a DM/Chat message 20. Have you had a same-sex experience 45. Ask whatever you like (can’t say no) 21. Have you ever sent a nude 46. OP, Ask me a question 22. Have you ever sexted 47. Truth or dare? 23. Have you ever kissed anyone THE REDDIT R/TEENAGERS PICK A NUMBER GAME MORE EXCITING* EDITION Please don’t downv0te me to hell for this

AV-8B Harrier II

Sense of holes

The struggle is real.

Democrats are too emotional!!!1

Next level proposal

Caracal jumping to catch dinner.

He got the point

"Me using accountants and offshore havens to avoid paying taxes makes me smart."

When a stranger asks you for directions

Born at the right generation

Burn in all levels of reality.

We live in the most beautiful world

Humblebrag of the century

Aw geez

British Karen Trump

Breathe in Mexican !!!

Hard knock life

32 Memes for Each of the Four Temperaments

32 Memes for Each of the Four Temperaments 1

Bird’s more talented than me

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