funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Democrats are too emotional!!!1

Your daily dose of redhead

The cool sounds liquid make

This will come in handy

Run Forest Run

In the end, Fortnite is actually good for something


Funny Vintage gold short film

Thats why we say "Oh men!", when we are disappointed.

When Disney Would Make a Real Action Beetlejuice Movie

Those eyes, that fluff, that cuteness :3

About the wall in Colorado …

Growing a chicken in an open egg

This is beautiful

Jojo, Never, and Gentleman: Me after Pewds said that he only has watched Part 1 of jojo I, Speedwagon, shall allow none to harm this gentleman! What? You’ve never seen JoJo?

Oh well…

Ramund (Danish folk song from around the 1600s) on Nyckelharpa by Myrkur

We frens?

Everyday objects zoomed in is oddly satisfying.

No no no yes

Yeah don't trust no mosquitos

If you look in the same direction your opponent points, you lose.

The media

Click, Reddit, and Proof: Countsyourself Asaname There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Countsyourself Asaname. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. Proof that this site

Invisible selfie stick.

Bad, Dude, and Funny: damaramegido: lunar-lavender jumpingoffthewalls space-transgressor spanishskulduggery lalexicographe whosaprettypolyglot lingasms commandervimes lingasms i say we start a meme where we take jokes that don’t work in other languages and translate them without explanation maybe only tagging with the original language and confuse the heck out of everyone on tumblr who’s not in on the meme like in italian we say "prince light blue" (prince azzurro) instead of "prince charming and i just saw a joke that in english would be f you can’t find your prince charming, the solution is to take a random dude from the street and paint him what’s the difference between a stapler and a sewing machine? a stapler staples and a sewing machine doesn’t i take it back, these are still funny in a completely different way #what does the king of the spiders do? he reigns #1 forget how to say it in French but it’s still my favourite joke this was one of mine omg it’s one of my favourite ones ive ever made ever What’s the strongest cake in the world? Mike Cake What do you call a fish that’s a thief? A sea bass. What’s the difference between a cow and sheet metal ? None, both of them have milk What did the mother fish say to the baby fish? Nothing The guest next to me really likes persimmons (I cheated a bit, it’s a tongue twister.) What did the cat say to his injured friend? "Meow (via no-perks-in-being-a-homestuck-d Heard about the painter who lived in a bad place?


Sneak 100

Such a nice boyfriend

When you turned away for a second

Friends, Funny, and News: ll SaskTel 10:51 PM 100% Q Search Popular News Home r/dankmemes u/trevorwoodkinda 8h You think this is funny? Is this a joke to you? When you have a lot of female friends but none of them are into you and they all just complain to you about the guys they actually like – All I have are negative thots ,Share 1.2k 12 r/dankmemes u/Con3833 4h In a forest far, far away… Niceguy defected

UPspecial guy !!


Solution to coronavirus problem

The way they construct those cool paths

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