funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Robber definitely didn’t plan well

The media

Click, All The, and All: Select all the squares with parasites if there are none, click skip C SKIP

It isn't just the NeoCons, it's the NeoLibs aswell. Bloodlust,monied intrests and optics. The three greatest killers of our modern age. End interventionism

Before and After

When Americans ask me how Europe really is, I play them this song.

Wonder how many attempts went wrong

*Old Spice noises*

Click, Reddit, and Windows: (Waiting for) Shut Down This program is preventing Windows from shutting down. To dose the program that is preventing Windows from shutting down, click Cancel, and then close the program. Force shut down Cancel Kill him, kill him now None shall live

Just dance together

Ok, I understand that we don't need to have a "superior" race, and maybe it's not necessary to have human races at all (people would have unnecessary arguments), but it kinda feels like sticking your head into sand and ignoring biology and science when you just deny they exist..

F**k logic!

Big Brain time

Hercules, death from above

Have you ever felt you are driving in a dream….

Winter has come to construction site

Fireworks Japan are next level

Title here

Bad@ss fight scenes are the reason why we love movies (21 GIFs)

People have mixed reactions to Seattle’s new NHL team name… the Kraken (20 Photos)

Is this 2019 or 1920

Pull up

That time of year?

Minecraft, Genius, and Wired: LEVEL 5:PROFESSIONAL Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED 4,183,249 views Share Download Save 113K 3.6K WIRED SUBSCRIBEDN 4.9M subscribers Comments 14K Add a public comment… Accidental Genius 4 months ago Level 6: Minecraft Redstone Engineers. 52 7.3K I don’t know how they do redstone so well none of it makes any sense.

Taking her daughter to a concert and they suddenly start dancing

This is half funny but mostly badass

It's more frightening when it opens

Life, Memes, and Business: ENE How’s it goin’? How’s what going? You know, things, life, whatnot. ENC Life is not whatnot, and it’s none of your business. Sixteen Candles


Just shut up, take my money, and maybe my first born (15 Photos)

When the guest's kid hit my cat and the cat bite his face

I want a double whopper and some onion rings

28 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Canceling Plans This Winter (February 14, 2025)

Wake up

What about the ones that look like swirly toast?

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