funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

“Why are you geh?”

It was 1999, the biggest kid on the block shot a wet one of these directly to my belly. I saw death that day and survived.

I always see this mistake and rarely is corrected. Perhaps this mnemotechnic helps

That’s one huge turtle!

Click, May, and Name: Pewdiepie There are fewer than 1,650 people in the U.S. with the first name Pewdiepie. The estimate for this name is not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. 1,650 People

Da Vinci surgical robot


Break checking with a motorcycle

Unicorn lottery

Fireworks Japan are next level

I‘ve got a feeling

Serious discussion thread (Oct 15 – 21)

Calling teachers by their names

Reddit, School, and Raiders: Teachers when none of their students show up to school today: Something’s wrong I can feel it May the force be with you, Raiders

This frisbee wall ride

Disappointed Dino… waited for 15 minutes…

UPspecial guy !!

1967 to 2018 same bike, same couple

Dammn he miss

When you turned away for a second

The cool sounds liquid make


The air felt different and it started to show, As every breath resembled smoke

Chili cook removes beans from recipe after cousin convinces him they’re ‘woke’, rages when he realizes he’s been pranked: ‘He dumped his chili in the sink and told everyone to go home’


Ducktales uhhh

Oscar, here I come

Hong Kong police shoot student without weapon

Jesus is cool and all but have you heard about the Devil?

RIP and Tear starts playing

Oh lawd he comin



Not sorry

Impeach this monster!

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