funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Beast mode..engaged.

Bird loves beer

Am I sentimental, a hoarder, or just broke?

About time

Break checking with a motorcycle


Poste title…

This coffee pressed into a Tupperware container

Just let the handle flail around, it's gonna be cool

NASA employee

Pet of the day!

No partner no excuse

Unicorn lottery

Is there a Kickstarter for this? I'd donate.

It was 1999, the biggest kid on the block shot a wet one of these directly to my belly. I saw death that day and survived.

30+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (November 30, 2024)

This incredible whale breach

Heart transplant: a bad heart going out and a new heart going in.

Cool twist

Little Russian Girl Is A Big Boss

Mobile games that have made their developers into legit billionaires (21 Photos)

The Majestic Hohenzollern Castle in Winter

You never know what someone is going through

Tapeworm’s head under a microscope

What a nice friend!

No, but actually yes.

Work, All The, and All: WHEN YOU DO NONE OF THE WORK BUT GET ALL THE CREDIT 34 20 22 I might be in danger

100 Bad Ideas for the Weekend (100 GIFs/Photos)

Yeah don't trust no mosquitos

Todays society…

And what is your inner beast?


Hey there Satan!

Africa, Asian, and Chicago: A Tale of Two Cities: Chicago IL Houston TX 2.7 million Population 2.15 million $ 38,600 Median Household Income $37,000 Africa-American 24.0% 39% Hispanic 30% 44% Asian 6% 6% Non-Hispanic White 29% 26% Both cities are quite similar in population Employees in the Police force: 13,500 5.318 Concealed carry legal? No yes Number of dedicated gun stores 184 none Number of other places selling guns 1500 none Homicides 2012 1,806 207 Homicides per 10o thousand 38,4 9,6 Please explain again how less guns and more police makes society more safe? Because the only difference between Chicago and Houston is guns, Gran

Talented tongue

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