funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Nobody loves making a show like this guy! he could just sit down with Trump and finalize a bill, pass it into Law. Yet, he USES the Dreamers at every angle. One day some of you dreamers might own businesses, make money and realize how bad you got played! Again!

If it's such a violation, and if they want him gone so badly, why not just let it happen? Why stand in the way?

When Trumps gets all attention and you can build atomic rockets with no obstruction.

Alive, Click, and Funny: Big Pp There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S named Big Pp. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details He’s too dangerous to be left alive! It’s funny cause pp

Wholesome friendship

Never forget how fast George bush’s reflexes were

Straight up facts

Have a nice weekend guys

And their training is really topnotch

I’d say the wedding videographer did a splendid job

Your product may have been slightly damaged in transit

Everything is better with commentators

Who remembers this heartwarming moment

California have the strictest environmental laws, yet they have frequent fires. It's because they don't trim trees and clear brushes. Rolling blackouts is not enough. Shut the entire grid down indefinitely. It's obvious you can't take care of your own.

When you only have rambling misleading lawyers

Democrats are too emotional!!!1

Cutting metal like its butter



Sometimes life is full of surprises.

Fucking, Iphone, and Twitter: dan wickes @dan_wickes I’m an antisocial justice warrior. My preferred pronouns are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS 5:10 PM Aug 31, 2019 Twitter for iPhone

Animals, Horses, and Minecraft: OMOJANG Search Dashboards Projects Issues Log In Minecraft (Bedrock codebase) MCPE-25548 Name Tags disappearing off of animals I name Export Details People Bug Type: Status: RESOLVED Reporter: Affects Version/s: Resolution: Duplicate Kevin Wigginton > Fix Version/s: None Votes: Labels: None 2 Vote for this issue Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Watchers: Platform: Windows 10 – PC 2 Start watching this issue Description Dates I have placed name tags on animals inside my base that I have placed in a barn like a horse and 4 sheep in survival. However, when I exit the game and get back on Created: sometimes ill find that the name tags have completely disappeared off of all of them. 28/Aug/17 4:44 AM Im not sure if this is tied to the overall loading issue that is affecting windows 10 Updated: edition since my world is about 272mb in size chunks tend to load in pretty slow and maybe this is a bug thats caused from that im not sure but basically name tags keep vanishing off of the animals I name, so far being sheep and one of my horses. 05/Sep/17 10:37 AM Resolved: 05/Sep/17 10:37 AM Activity Felix wasn’t lying to us!

Fast and furious virus

It's okay to be stupid

Timelapse: 1M+ people protesting in the streets of Santiago, Chile (8 hours in 1 min)

Teach lions to eat leaves.

The burglar should've maxed his sneak level.

Nailed it!

Organ donors are so important to the society

Paris Agreement and Health Care isn't cheap. Time to raise some taxes!

Anime, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and Good Morning: 94% 1:03 A CANCEL SAVE Every day Date 14 : 15 AM 16 PM Repeat F S W Alarm to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure- Awaken(Pilla Snooze 5 minutes, 3 times Increasing volume Increase the alarm volume for the 1st 60 sec. Alarm name None S It is a GOOD morning

Dats the attention she needed

How to invade

Get your priorities straight

Katie Sandwina, born in 1884 and known as "Lady Hercules", could bend iron bars and lift her 165-pound (75kg) husband above her head with one hand. She performed until her 60s

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