funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Just a normal day in Norway

Click, May, and Name: Pewdiepie There are fewer than 1,650 people in the U.S. with the first name Pewdiepie. The estimate for this name is not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. 1,650 People

There is no helping mental illness

Puppy was not expecting snow.

Forever alone in a crowd..

Now you can Rest in Peace – This is how you play MineSweeper

Look at the way it springs off the machine

Farmers in South Africa are getting serious about security

Gutes Spiel, einfach

Ducktales uhhh

Second day of work

Man of focus

The beautiful Cherry blossom in Japan

Being rich looks awesome.

Big boob nickur

History books talking about the Dem's conduct during Trump's impeachment

I’m about to have a conniption (25 photos)

It's funny because it's true

Raise Independent Children!

It's been an honour, being served

Two guys try to gang up on an old guy. Then they get blinded by the scales of justice.

Everyday struggle…

* Change my mind *

Magnets Ball Pen

Gator the great, excaligator

Too fast too furious

The water in Lago di Braies is the best at sunrise

Wholesome reaction or this Grandpa

Bad, Dude, and Funny: damaramegido: lunar-lavender jumpingoffthewalls space-transgressor spanishskulduggery lalexicographe whosaprettypolyglot lingasms commandervimes lingasms i say we start a meme where we take jokes that don’t work in other languages and translate them without explanation maybe only tagging with the original language and confuse the heck out of everyone on tumblr who’s not in on the meme like in italian we say "prince light blue" (prince azzurro) instead of "prince charming and i just saw a joke that in english would be f you can’t find your prince charming, the solution is to take a random dude from the street and paint him what’s the difference between a stapler and a sewing machine? a stapler staples and a sewing machine doesn’t i take it back, these are still funny in a completely different way #what does the king of the spiders do? he reigns #1 forget how to say it in French but it’s still my favourite joke this was one of mine omg it’s one of my favourite ones ive ever made ever What’s the strongest cake in the world? Mike Cake What do you call a fish that’s a thief? A sea bass. What’s the difference between a cow and sheet metal ? None, both of them have milk What did the mother fish say to the baby fish? Nothing The guest next to me really likes persimmons (I cheated a bit, it’s a tongue twister.) What did the cat say to his injured friend? "Meow (via no-perks-in-being-a-homestuck-d Heard about the painter who lived in a bad place?

God, Memes, and Shark: Kin ky shark doo doo dodo dodo. Every day. We stray further from god. Found in none other than r/memes

Clean 9gag

It's time!

Somebody saw the legendary scene from up close

May the force be with you

Know the difference!

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