funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Mosque in France

Calming Reflection (credit: cyan1618)

No partner no excuse

If you know what i mean 🙂

It's okay to be stupid

Go zoomers

Surf Lakes announced today they made the 8ft wave with their prototype.

Wholesome friendship


Twisty turny slidey slidey

Getting the last out in dodgeball

Guys, I did It!

AV-8B Harrier II

Perfect Tweets from parents about the joys of Halloween (38 Photos)

Quiz, Women, and Yes: Which Founding Father Are You? 1. Should women be allowed to vote? Yes No Which Founding Father Are ou? You’re none of them! You’re actually none of America’s fourding fathers. Try to radicaly alter your views on women’s sufrage and take this quiz again SHARE YOUR RESULTS f

Cheap, cheap!

"F" to that man with a wheelchair. He had not chance

They’re so cute

NSFW – Maybe you should think twice about doing these things in a pool with glass as a poolwall.

At least she tried. (not mine)

Contrary to popular belief, millenials can still afford to buy homes

Therapist: Harambephant isn't real. He can't hurt you. Harambephant:

High Way In Sweden For E-truck

Beast mode..engaged.

1 minute and 9 second (turn the volume)

A Spate of Memes to View at Leisure

Wake up

Woah, cool game mechanics

Kitty boop

Life is like a hurricane….

So satisfying

The way he stacks though

In Hong Kong, police use molotov to stop people from protesting

Someday Days It's Hard To Find Motivation .. Some Days Motivation Finds You!!


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