funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.


Facebook, Friends, and Arkansas: 1 hr MaJor indicators that the girl you don’t know who’s adding you on facebook might want to sell you something from their MLM: 1. From a small town in Arkansas/Missouri 2. Have a few mutual friends, but none that you’ve talked to in the last year 3. Has something like "mama bear" or "WAHM" in their Facebook bio, bonus points for "girl boss" 4. Share a bunch of posts asking for your personal opinion to help their engagement to sell their crappy products 5. If accepted, will like all of your posts for the next two weeks to condition you for the impending "HEY GIRL!" DM 13 Comments My friend nails it on how to spot a hun-bot from a (Facebook) mile away

Pretty impressive editing tbh

Is this what you hear at the gates of Heaven ?

So did they supported the Axis?

Heimdall Would Not Be Proud

Do a flip into that ditch

A high elf

Yes Please.

Give that man a dollar.

And the rest was history…

Total Bro finds turtles on the road… won't stop until he's got them all moved to safety!

Beat the machine

Now you can Rest in Peace – This is how you play MineSweeper

Ramund (Danish folk song from around the 1600s) on Nyckelharpa by Myrkur

Frem Red Coat to Red Hat

Shit, here we go…

When a stranger asks you for directions


Lyric's lunch time

Trump adviser Roger Stone who sarcastically said "Mueller, arrest me" was today found guilty on all seven counts of lying to congress, obstruction and witness tampering in relation to the Russia probe

It's been an honour, being served

When you turned away for a second

AV-8B Harrier II

I'v always wanted that car

There are normal people and then there are people who always play the victim card

Love yourself and love your loved ones

Big boob nickur

Quiz, Women, and Yes: Which Founding Father Are You? 1. Should women be allowed to vote? Yes No Which Founding Father Are ou? You’re none of them! You’re actually none of America’s fourding fathers. Try to radicaly alter your views on women’s sufrage and take this quiz again SHARE YOUR RESULTS f

Tutorial gif how to save your pet from angry raccoon

Roll it again!

Spider is dead

Very helpful guidel

*looks at the stranger's butt. Hmmm

But not his own

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