funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Just your friendly neighborhood lawyer

Can your cat do that

HK police after seeing their colleagues man handle a pregnant lady

Life is like a hurricane….

Baby Woodland Critter Get Together

Have a nice weekend guys

We need to innovate in order to increase productivity

Bringing back old memes

The way he stacks though

Staying Cool

Quiz, Women, and Yes: Which Founding Father Are You? 1. Should women be allowed to vote? Yes No Which Founding Father Are ou? You’re none of them! You’re actually none of America’s fourding fathers. Try to radicaly alter your views on women’s sufrage and take this quiz again SHARE YOUR RESULTS f

The girl looks hot. Any links?

President Trump unveils his plan to win the trade war.

Is it me or is it getting crazier out there?

Impeach this monster!

Serious discussion thread (Oct 15 – 21)

This happens every time

Running from the cops…

Listen up. This guys ad? It's @$!#.

California have the strictest environmental laws, yet they have frequent fires. It's because they don't trim trees and clear brushes. Rolling blackouts is not enough. Shut the entire grid down indefinitely. It's obvious you can't take care of your own.

It's not true

Right Wingers: "I hate SJW, they get triggered by everything" Game launches with pronoun options Right Wingers: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Bird loves beer

Perfect nest casting

This game

In Hong Kong, police use molotov to stop people from protesting

Da Vinci surgical robot

Jumping across the road

Friends, Funny, and News: ll SaskTel 10:51 PM 100% Q Search Popular News Home r/dankmemes u/trevorwoodkinda 8h You think this is funny? Is this a joke to you? When you have a lot of female friends but none of them are into you and they all just complain to you about the guys they actually like – All I have are negative thots ,Share 1.2k 12 r/dankmemes u/Con3833 4h In a forest far, far away… Niceguy defected

Love yourself and love your loved ones


Capitalism is the bestest thing ever

Pole vault jump

Disappointed, Jesus, and Cross: Three things wrong with this and none are biblical! Listen Men NOW! First off: Pray for the Lord to take away the fun and excitement of porn! Second: Mean it! Understand that you can’t defeat demons that you enjoy playing with! STOP! Concentrating on your problem and start concentrating on the cross. To often, a lot of ministeries will keep you focused on your addiction! Leave them! Follow Jesus and realize your salvation. These types of suggestions only leave you frustrated and disappointed. 6 לו Like Reply 8w Pray the Porn Away

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