funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Love thy self


Crying, Gandalf, and Work: birdblinder me, looking at the current state of the world, crying:I wish none of this had happened… Gandalf, materialising in my conscience, smiling kindly: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, besides the will of evil geekinglikeaboss This is wonderfully helpful. An interesting title

Taxes are the worst

The living soul of Freddy

Adopt don't shop! After a year of recovery. Everyone, meet Champy! BTW today is his birthday.

Click, Information, and Page: il TIM 4:32 PM Not Secure The estimat absolute. T rcent of people with at all. Click details. st name Felix Felix Kjellburg There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Felix Kjellburg. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. e results to your web page: es not contain any personal information) HowManyOfMе He could be any one of us

That orange colour.

The way she moves

The zweihänder sword that belonged to Grutte Pier (1480-1520), Friesian pirate and warlord

Unidentified shooters target Iraqi army and demonstrators with live bullets

Ass, Shopping, and Trash: RP SHOPPING CAN BE FUN STEMS EDS FS.COM/DUDEHES First of all, yes I have gold. I kill Mummies n’ Dragons older than this whole gad dang town. Second, I want REAL potions. None of that cheap dang alchemy trash or basic healing potion from the "Player’s Handbook." I got enough Platinum in my haversack to put yer entire economy on its ass, I tell you what. e c o n o m y -Law

What would u do?

How is your life?

Music, Videos, and Access: New folder 1 File Share View Home New item Cut Open Select all Easy access Copy path Edit O Select none Pin to Quick Copy Paste New Move Copy to Delete Rename Properties Paste shortcut History Invert selection to folder access Organize Clipboard New Open Select New folder Search New folder Quick access Desktop Downloads * Documents natsuki.chr monika.chr sayori.chr yuri.chr Pictures Doki Daki Literat edgar nude pics New Velume fD Videos Creative Cloud Fil Audition OneDrive This PC ving he Desktop Documents Downloads Music Hummmmmm

Traffic jam in germany

Bubbles in altered states of gravity

Studley Tool Chest held 220 tools in a 40 by 20 inch box that could hang on the wall. It held tools to make pianos.

Running from the police, what could go wrong?

Cutsceens be like

Motorola Razr vs Flip Phone

That's incredible

No guitar pick, just fingers. Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits everyone

Me and the boys

Apparently, Comfortable, and Dogs: dogs know how to live i wish i could be a dog for a day r’d run until i couldn’t feel my paws i’d pant the heat away and i’d sleep anywhere i found comfortable i’d soak up the sun with no worries or respon- sibilities and i’d use all my enhanced senses to the best of my abilities i’d chase any living creature around a field and stretch whenever my muscles began to cramp i’d bark and howl at the shining moon until the sun stretched over the horizon i’d chase my tail until utter exhaustion hit me and then i’d crash and cuddle up next to a warm fireplace apparently, none of this is good enough for us humans

Jesus is cool and all but have you heard about the Devil?

Best, Waifu, and Fox: I, Speedwagon, shall allow none to lewd this fox! One best Waifu protecting other best Waifu.

OK Google

Break checking with a motorcycle

Just dance together

Leopard tank vs BMW

So this is where it comes from huh

And what is your inner beast?

Put a lock on that shit.

Brazilian police training their officers on how to effectively maneuver a car out of a tight space

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