funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

A Falcon entered to a hen farm… The face in the end says it all

Everything is better with commentators

Man chased by police gets tripped

* Change my mind *

Big boob nickur

Work from home

Fireworks Japan are next level

What could go wrong Making a video & not paying attention to the treadmill

Little Turtle to the rescue

In Hong Kong, police use molotov to stop people from protesting


Make Hungary great again

Snail racing at home out of paper

Can your cat do that

*Giorgio meme below*

South Dakota launches anti meth PR campaign. (The state spend $450k to come up with this logo! No joke)

This what a NASA launchpad looks like during a launch

Facebook, Friends, and Arkansas: 1 hr MaJor indicators that the girl you don’t know who’s adding you on facebook might want to sell you something from their MLM: 1. From a small town in Arkansas/Missouri 2. Have a few mutual friends, but none that you’ve talked to in the last year 3. Has something like "mama bear" or "WAHM" in their Facebook bio, bonus points for "girl boss" 4. Share a bunch of posts asking for your personal opinion to help their engagement to sell their crappy products 5. If accepted, will like all of your posts for the next two weeks to condition you for the impending "HEY GIRL!" DM 13 Comments My friend nails it on how to spot a hun-bot from a (Facebook) mile away

“Gold has killed more souls than iron”

Thousands of baby seahorses spurting out of a male seahorse

Laying down double lines at parking lot !!

Caucasian Shepherd is the most intelligent, loving and faithful to the owner

High Way In Sweden For E-truck

The beautiful Cherry blossom in Japan

We need the sauce

Taxes are the worst

It isn't just the NeoCons, it's the NeoLibs aswell. Bloodlust,monied intrests and optics. The three greatest killers of our modern age. End interventionism

Dug myself into a hole with this one.

Ok, I understand that we don't need to have a "superior" race, and maybe it's not necessary to have human races at all (people would have unnecessary arguments), but it kinda feels like sticking your head into sand and ignoring biology and science when you just deny they exist..

What a dad

Brazilian police training their officers on how to effectively maneuver a car out of a tight space

I'm making an RPG ( Bloom: Memories ) What you think of the art style?

Bride invites cousin’s ex-wife and bans his kids, pushing him to skip her wedding only to change her mind last minute: ‘All the drama got me rather exhausted with the whole situation’

Bride invites cousin’s ex-wife and bans his kids, pushing him to skip her wedding only to change her mind last minute: ‘All the drama got me rather exhausted with the whole situation’ 1

Click, Penis, and Gay: Gay Penis There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Gay Penis. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. My guy

Tutorial gif how to save your pet from angry raccoon

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