funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Force of an air drop

Hackers Have Already Put Up Thousands Of Disney+ Accounts For Sale

Ramund (Danish folk song from around the 1600s) on Nyckelharpa by Myrkur

So this is where it comes from huh

No one … wind let me help you

Must be men's fault somehow

Free Shrugs…

Doggy style counts for double

Now that's a sale

That’s one huge turtle!

I'm the victim of evil laws which discriminates killers…

One person can move the world

Deja Vu!!!!

Daily motivation (1:53)

Taking her daughter to a concert and they suddenly start dancing

Go Back Where Ya Came From


Be aware

Timelapse: 1M+ people protesting in the streets of Santiago, Chile (8 hours in 1 min)

Katie Sandwina, born in 1884 and known as "Lady Hercules", could bend iron bars and lift her 165-pound (75kg) husband above her head with one hand. She performed until her 60s

Politician promised to build a bridge, went missing and came back just before elections to promise them again to build the same bridge.

Hide the Pain Harold answers your questions and reviews memes!

Give me a hand will ya

This pups heart seemed to stop while being walked by his owner. Good thing this guy was around..

That Must Have Taken A Lot Of Practice

Poste title…

‘100% tax on podcasters’: People reveal their most radical non-partisan opinions

There is no helping mental illness

Mmph… mmmph… mmph…

Next level proposal

Huh? Oil?

Snake stuck in endless loop

Spent about 20 minutes on the phone with the state police tonight while behind a drunk driver. Luckily they were arrested. If you drink and drive, f**k you.

Psycho alert

Floofy or chonky?

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