funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Tactically clearing a room

Husky tries to comprehend


Just dance together

You laugh, you lose. Simple. (25 Photos)

Is there a Kickstarter for this? I'd donate.

It isn't just the NeoCons, it's the NeoLibs aswell. Bloodlust,monied intrests and optics. The three greatest killers of our modern age. End interventionism

Donald Trump, slowly realising the whole stadium is booing him.

His partner didn't show up.

Mamaaaaaa, UwU

"you cant do that" you underestimate my power

Replacing a driveway, timelapse!

Found this gem today

Spent about 20 minutes on the phone with the state police tonight while behind a drunk driver. Luckily they were arrested. If you drink and drive, f**k you.

99.999999% of energy in nature is nuclear

Click, Dank Memes, and Fun: Bigus Dickus There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Bigus Dickus Average Dickus Minus Dickus There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Average Dickus. There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Minus Dickus The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. u/Kupoma Bigus Dickus Average Dickus Minus dickus would be fun if they meat

Your product may have been slightly damaged in transit

Your daily dose of redhead

Meanwhile in 2024…

80s Movie tribute

Best, Waifu, and Fox: I, Speedwagon, shall allow none to lewd this fox! One best Waifu protecting other best Waifu.

Da Vinci surgical robot

But it will work this time

This crab building a sand hut

Mobile games that have made their developers into legit billionaires (21 Photos)

Some people are just truly amazing

California have the strictest environmental laws, yet they have frequent fires. It's because they don't trim trees and clear brushes. Rolling blackouts is not enough. Shut the entire grid down indefinitely. It's obvious you can't take care of your own.


Can you relate?

"If socialists understood economics they wouldn't be socialists"-F. Hayek

Sledding is a dangerous game

Can't argue with that!

Hiding a coin inside a chili, inside an eggplant, inside a table.

Wholesome friendship

*Old Spice noises*

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