funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Germany in a nutshell

It's Friday, folks! Just go for it!

British Karen Trump

Free Shrugs…

If You Could Ask A White Person Anything

What is happening!

Facebook, Friends, and Arkansas: 1 hr MaJor indicators that the girl you don’t know who’s adding you on facebook might want to sell you something from their MLM: 1. From a small town in Arkansas/Missouri 2. Have a few mutual friends, but none that you’ve talked to in the last year 3. Has something like "mama bear" or "WAHM" in their Facebook bio, bonus points for "girl boss" 4. Share a bunch of posts asking for your personal opinion to help their engagement to sell their crappy products 5. If accepted, will like all of your posts for the next two weeks to condition you for the impending "HEY GIRL!" DM 13 Comments My friend nails it on how to spot a hun-bot from a (Facebook) mile away

This is what I call being smart


Found The Female Jedi!

Must be men's fault somehow

Making Eiffel Tower with a CNC machine!



Nobody loves making a show like this guy! he could just sit down with Trump and finalize a bill, pass it into Law. Yet, he USES the Dreamers at every angle. One day some of you dreamers might own businesses, make money and realize how bad you got played! Again!

Man. Chris Wallace is now a never trumper for calling out lies

Hey, no pain no gain

Nobody cares about that trash movie

Snake stuck in endless loop

Click, Dank Memes, and Nice: Dixie Normus There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Dixie Normus. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. Nice

Listen up. This guys ad? It's @$!#.

Porkpetual motion

Wonder how many attempts went wrong

Seriously, got me thinking

Speaks for itself (from blursed_images)

Environmental protesters preventing hungry Danish from eating breakfast

Don't be too hard on yourself – you might be already doing better than you think

Tutorial gif how to save your pet from angry raccoon

She doesn't even go here!

Africa, Asian, and Chicago: A Tale of Two Cities: Chicago IL Houston TX 2.7 million Population 2.15 million $ 38,600 Median Household Income $37,000 Africa-American 24.0% 39% Hispanic 30% 44% Asian 6% 6% Non-Hispanic White 29% 26% Both cities are quite similar in population Employees in the Police force: 13,500 5.318 Concealed carry legal? No yes Number of dedicated gun stores 184 none Number of other places selling guns 1500 none Homicides 2012 1,806 207 Homicides per 10o thousand 38,4 9,6 Please explain again how less guns and more police makes society more safe? Because the only difference between Chicago and Houston is guns, Gran

Work from home

And Fanta?

This guy is the best – Lowcost Cosplay

F**kin madlads

I know people are fed up of this but still..

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