funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Bob Ross.

KeEp YoUr ShIrT oN

Sledding is a dangerous game

Show must go on

Bronn would

Nailed it!

Friction welding gone bad

Magnets Ball Pen

It is though

* Change my mind *

Shit, here we go…

Oh nice

Go ahead and touch me-WHY U TOUCH ME?!


Smile and wave

Now you can Rest in Peace – This is how you play MineSweeper

Incredible how this admission is public yet trump is being blamed for this crime.

The difference between thank you and thank you so much

Politician promised to build a bridge, went missing and came back just before elections to promise them again to build the same bridge.

The stare at the end

*Giorgio meme below*

Beautiful Tiger (slow motion)

Happy Valentine's day

Take your beer anywhere

Cleaning an air vent

My dreams during an afternoon nap

Yesterday, nearly 2 million people joined in Chile's biggest protest ever in our history, for a life worth living. The message on the building stands for "United".

Fucking, Shit, and The Hound: thessolonicaria silkygoldmilkweed silkygoldmilkweed Everybody is excited for Dany to meet Ghost but l’m also excited for Ghost to meet the Hound. 138 notes Not only did none of this happen but Dany and the Hound are both dead, fucking Bran is king, and little shit Tyrion is living happily ever after

These bottles perfectly fit into the shelves in this store

Flexing,, and Live: YouTube + – en-GB ifytd-s8(miller0lot=’search1.521,0csi) lexyldisablet-li4 nam44n yt442 enable_wta_kevlar_watchex="trtainer c40resh’utton, en able_live tent a (display: none limportant) orta-hyt-simple-elex: 1,flex:1;-weh-input’s thanks youtube

Cutsceens be like

Anime, Confused, and Love: I love you | like you Thanks to my effectively nonexistent contact with other, genuinely functional human beings (mostly born out of the fact that I find myself unable to create or understand healthy social interactions), I am unsure if what I feel for you is genuine romantic affection, or if I’m just so detached from emotions and social interactions that I have confused love with the platonic desire for friendship, or even the basic human craving for love and affection, given that I have none. Not that I have anyone else to blame since I myself have created the vicious spiral of self-pity and social anxiety that I am still sliding down. Somebody kill me Can I get an F

This is the part where you run away!

Poor guy

When you claim to support the workers, the working class……….but have no clue what a farm or a field looks like.

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