funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

High Way In Sweden For E-truck

Foster mom is making sure kittens have full tummies

Nothing to do here

Click, May, and Name: Pewdiepie There are fewer than 1,650 people in the U.S. with the first name Pewdiepie. The estimate for this name is not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. 1,650 People

Want to confirm but..

Pure entertainment

Give that man a dollar.

That’s all folks!

Facebook, Friends, and Arkansas: 1 hr MaJor indicators that the girl you don’t know who’s adding you on facebook might want to sell you something from their MLM: 1. From a small town in Arkansas/Missouri 2. Have a few mutual friends, but none that you’ve talked to in the last year 3. Has something like "mama bear" or "WAHM" in their Facebook bio, bonus points for "girl boss" 4. Share a bunch of posts asking for your personal opinion to help their engagement to sell their crappy products 5. If accepted, will like all of your posts for the next two weeks to condition you for the impending "HEY GIRL!" DM 13 Comments My friend nails it on how to spot a hun-bot from a (Facebook) mile away

Farmers in South Africa are getting serious about security

Flipping out

Fun for Republicans – not real, but fun!

The way they construct those cool paths

The safe land

Your product may have been slightly damaged in transit

South Dakota launches anti meth PR campaign. (The state spend $450k to come up with this logo! No joke)

She doesn't even go here!

Horse Hoof Maintenece

Wholesome ant support

Bold predictions

1 minute and 9 second (turn the volume)

You go first sir

Democrats are too emotional!!!1

Beautiful view of the Falcon 9 launch

Traffic jam in germany

Water inside bus window

When soccer fans meet

How Would You Respond To This?

14-Year-Old Daughter Destroys Her Future Step-Mom’s Wedding Dress After a Dress Code Squabble, Dad Says ‘The Wedding is Off’ When His Bride Uninvites Her As a Result

Women Drivers

Sure sure they say..

Honey there's lava everywhere what are you doing?

Leopard tank vs BMW

Not all Hero’s wear Capes

Wax it, baby

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