funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Please help Hong Kong

If you don't like this, get yo ass over to Mr O Shag Hennessey's office

Lmao lol kek xd rofl

Hard knock life

Life is full lies

Ass, Shopping, and Trash: RP SHOPPING CAN BE FUN STEMS EDS FS.COM/DUDEHES First of all, yes I have gold. I kill Mummies n’ Dragons older than this whole gad dang town. Second, I want REAL potions. None of that cheap dang alchemy trash or basic healing potion from the "Player’s Handbook." I got enough Platinum in my haversack to put yer entire economy on its ass, I tell you what. e c o n o m y -Law

F**king breathtaking if you ask me

Cat back flips into Judo mode!

It isn't just the NeoCons, it's the NeoLibs aswell. Bloodlust,monied intrests and optics. The three greatest killers of our modern age. End interventionism

Seriously,every time!

The difference between thank you and thank you so much

Winter has come to construction site

Im gonna walk like a boss today..

Put a lock on that shit.

Breast cancer cell up-taking nutrients (and information) from neighboring cells via tube-like network

Pure truth

Breathe in Mexican !!!

League of Legends, Lost, and Access: New champion is black New champion’s name starts with N Nautilus Nunu & Willump None New champion’s name is… No 10-GAME CHAT RESTRICTION Because a player-triggered review found your in-game comms to be negative or inflammatory, your use of in-game chat’s been restricted. In add ition to suspension, you’ve lost access to certain privileges like free Loot chests or other positive player rewards until you demonstrate an ongoing pattern of good sportsmanship after your chat restriction ends. New champion’s name is demonetized

Very helpful guidel

OK Mr. Bull, let’s fight

Who remembers this heartwarming moment

Holy crap would you look at those

Tight dresses go hand in hand with the weekend (50 Photos)


Some coworkers are at a workshop. This is the logo the organizers are using…

Trump's literally just enforcing the existing laws to accomplish this btw…

Dug myself into a hole with this one.

Just this

Well thats it, he is the chosen one

The perfect landing

Swollen eyes

When you enter an area to fight a boss, but the boss glitches out and falls off the arena, giving you an Insta-win.


"Left 3 tightens over crest DON'T CUT"

I‘ve got a feeling

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