funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

80s Movie tribute

Every god damn time

Crush, Love, and Nsfw: Pick a number? LOOKS MY BODY NSFW 24. Bra/dick size 1. Ethnicity 25. Do you have any body hair 2. Hair style 26. Pubic hair: natural, trimmed, shaved or none 3. Hair color 27. Guys-only: are you circumcised 4. Eye color 28. Favorite physical attribute about yourself Body type/ build 5. 6. What are you wearing SEXUAL NSFW 7. Type of underwear you wear 31. Have you ever watched porn 8. 3 things you love about yourself 32. Have you ever watched gay porn 33. Type of porn you watch most often RELATIONSHIPS 34. What age did you start masturbating 9. Sexuality 35. How often do you masturbate 10. Relationship status 36. Last time you masturbated 11. Who is your crush 37. Guys-only: Last time you were hard 12. Celebrity crush 38. Ideal sexual /physical attributes 13. Have you ever cheated on someone 39. Favorite sexual fantasty 14. Ideal girlfriend /boyfriend 40. Have you ever fantasized about- 15. Idea of a perfect date someone of the same-sex 16. Have you asked anyone out 41. Turns ons/ Turn offs 42. Any kinks SEX & SEXUALITY 17. Are you a virgin MISC. 18. Has anyone seen you naked 43. Send me a selfie 19. Have you any tattoos /piercings 44. Send me a DM Chat message 20. Have you had a same-sex experience 45. Ask whatever you like (can’t say no) 21. Have you ever sent a nude 46. OP, Ask me a question 22. Have you ever sexted 47. Truth or dare? 23. Have you ever kissed anyone THE REDDIT R/TEENAGERS PICK A NUMBER GAME "MORE EXCITING" EDITION I hate these posts so now i’m a hypocrite.

Quiz time for the activists

10 foot snake

Where is MnM ?

Lyric's lunch time

It's okay to be stupid

This interior design animation

Sledding is a dangerous game

Poste title…

When I heard Mugabe is dead

That time of year?

What a cute video…

History books talking about the Dem's conduct during Trump's impeachment

The years of satellite images of Chernobyl before and after the big ‘boom’

I think it's still around

I laughed more than I should have

Humblebrag of the century

Serious discussion thread (Jan 28 – Feb 3)

KeEp YoUr ShIrT oN

Better don't swallow chewing gum

Title here

Brazilian police training their officers on how to effectively maneuver a car out of a tight space

Trouble with eyelashes on a boat ride

Just another way… Another reason


When you claim to support the workers, the working class……….but have no clue what a farm or a field looks like.

Chipotle’s new slogan

No he did not :O

May the gates of hell open and swallow his entire administration whole, in Christ’s name, Amen.

Floofy or chonky?

Lel Wut

Ecuador riots

Give me a hand will ya

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