funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Best "no u" I've seen for a while

Serious discussion thread (Jan 28 – Feb 3)

Monster: Aww maaaan


My Jeans when a Girl touches my arm on the Metro

Expecto Patronum.

Dream catcher

Calming Reflection (credit: cyan1618)

Legendary madlad

Mosque in France

Twitter madlad

Pumpkin, Got, and Him: Sonya Huber @sonyahuber My neighbor across the street had a pumpkin plant take over his entire front yard. I asked him what fertilizer he used. "None! This was an accident from our jack o’ lantern." Then like captain Ahab he stared into the distance and said, "I’ve just got to see this through." 203–P00

The baby koala lost her mother in the Australian bushfires. Vet tries to console the baby by giving her a teddy bear (@vetpaulramos)

What a beautiful country

Lacking some pineapple on that pizza


It's been an honour, being served

The Fantasy Players

Bouncing Bad Ideas: the warm-up Lap (22 GIFs)

You gonna have a bad time

Someone stole his bike while he was at the supermarket, but his classmates made a kitty and bought him a new one

Knock Knock!

Baby stops breathing – fireman comes to the rescue

I cant just seem to avoid it….better ideas come when I procrastinate…

Tutorial gif how to save your pet from angry raccoon

Lebanon has joined the server.

Ramund (Danish folk song from around the 1600s) on Nyckelharpa by Myrkur

Hiding a coin inside a chili, inside an eggplant, inside a table.

Laying down double lines at parking lot !!


Forget Florida man. Check out the English man.

PUta mAdrrre

Force of an air drop

F**k da polieeeeeeeeeee

Babies first ice cream

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