funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Woman rushes into a police station with a lifeless pup

I'm the victim of evil laws which discriminates killers…

They were probably rapping Ice Ice Baby

Dats the attention she needed

Anime, Click, and Demon: Satania There are fewer than 1,650 people in the U.S. with the first name Satania. The estimate for this name is not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. *laughs in demon*

Fucking, Iphone, and Lol: Kevan @sneakinrican88 3h Lmfao without the mcu, that isn’t a billion dollar movie. Fucking clowns lol t6 3 260 rSheep Regardez Fafner in t… into the Spider verse; Raimi trilogy 3h t 1 7 56 me right here @Chappy4214 Replying to @AJE_Mckenzie @sneakinrican88 and 2 others None of Raimi movies hit $1 billion. 6:15 PM Sep 5, 2019 Twitter for iPhone u/mynameisnotgilbert "It isn’t always about the money Spider-Man. It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message

Trip intensifies

Breast cancer cell up-taking nutrients (and information) from neighboring cells via tube-like network

I'm also in desperate need for sauce

Apparently, Comfortable, and Dogs: dogs know how to live i wish i could be a dog for a day r’d run until i couldn’t feel my paws i’d pant the heat away and i’d sleep anywhere i found comfortable i’d soak up the sun with no worries or respon- sibilities and i’d use all my enhanced senses to the best of my abilities i’d chase any living creature around a field and stretch whenever my muscles began to cramp i’d bark and howl at the shining moon until the sun stretched over the horizon i’d chase my tail until utter exhaustion hit me and then i’d crash and cuddle up next to a warm fireplace apparently, none of this is good enough for us humans

Someone talked…

That time of year?

Glass tower collapses during hotel opening at Europapark

Made me smile

NSFW – Maybe you should think twice about doing these things in a pool with glass as a poolwall.

In light of Hannitys meltdown today.

How to introduce your little sibling

Please no touching

You can thank me for making sure your phone gets service.

The zweihänder sword that belonged to Grutte Pier (1480-1520), Friesian pirate and warlord

Electronic Housefly Trap

Sex, Penis, and Vagina: I’ll speak French between your legs. cvn-t The hottest things I’ve ever been told. missjraffe I’m just picturing someone screaming "BONJOUR" at a penis hatchworthsmoustache #SACRE BLEU MADEMOISELLE VAGINA #HON HON HON TITTY CROISSANTS zaynhappened TITTY CROISSANTS sh-ocking None of you should ever be having sex Me_irl



Oh no

F**k them b*tches

Cool dog


This incredible whale breach

British Karen Trump

Wholesome #tbt

It's time!

HK police after seeing their colleagues man handle a pregnant lady

Lawd give me the courage

Click, Dank Memes, and Reality: Thanos Thanos There are 394 people in the U.S. with the last name Thanos. There are fewer than 1,650 people in the U.S. with the first name Thanos. The estimate for this name is not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details Statistically the 58849th most popular last name Thanos Thanos There are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. named Thanos Thanos. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all Click here for more details "I am inevitable." Reality can be whatever I want

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