funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Chesster, Legend of A6

Just enter, God dammit!

They love eachother very much

Tough choice.

Roll it again!

The way the roof shingles fit

Impeach this monster!

Found this gem today

Babies first ice cream

Minecraft, Genius, and Wired: LEVEL 5:PROFESSIONAL Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED 4,183,249 views Share Download Save 113K 3.6K WIRED SUBSCRIBEDN 4.9M subscribers Comments 14K Add a public comment… Accidental Genius 4 months ago Level 6: Minecraft Redstone Engineers. 52 7.3K I don’t know how they do redstone so well none of it makes any sense.


Netflix, Free, and Good: Windscribe Free Windscribe Pro Other VPNS Countries 10 60 Cities 100+ R.O.B.E.R.T. Basic Full Speed Good Fantastic Latency Good Fantastic Netflix Yup Nope Limited GB Downside None Intelligence +5 +420 -9001 Stamina +69 +1 -9001 20 Thanks windscribe

Man chased by police gets tripped

The first Isaac Newton lesson we learned as kids


Me and my friends trying to get the waiter's attention so that we can order some food…

Would you like to buy some metric?

So this is where it comes from huh

Yes… Yes they do

Hackers Have Already Put Up Thousands Of Disney+ Accounts For Sale

Tight dresses go hand in hand with the weekend (50 Photos)

Is it just me?

Puppy was not expecting snow.

Gutes Spiel, einfach

Well…I can't meme at all…

Pregnancy, Air, and Can: Can Can @Kanii_Rah Pregnancy is in the air and I’m not trynna catch none of that mess!! Boitumelo Mothiba @Boy2meloh You are closing the wrong hole Hahahah ha ja?

Yeah that's not happening

A little more to the left

This dude is just a Democrat version of Trump

Balls stuck at the same place on a tree.

You mean UFC 244 in NYC wasn’t it?

Give me a hand will ya

Clowns, Irl, and Me IRL: FT We looked evèrywhere there could be clowns We even checked the U.S. Congress FT It was full of clowns, but/none of them were fun me irl

Animals, Horses, and Minecraft: OMOJANG Search Dashboards Projects Issues Log In Minecraft (Bedrock codebase) MCPE-25548 Name Tags disappearing off of animals I name Export Details People Bug Type: Status: RESOLVED Reporter: Affects Version/s: Resolution: Duplicate Kevin Wigginton > Fix Version/s: None Votes: Labels: None 2 Vote for this issue Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Watchers: Platform: Windows 10 – PC 2 Start watching this issue Description Dates I have placed name tags on animals inside my base that I have placed in a barn like a horse and 4 sheep in survival. However, when I exit the game and get back on Created: sometimes ill find that the name tags have completely disappeared off of all of them. 28/Aug/17 4:44 AM Im not sure if this is tied to the overall loading issue that is affecting windows 10 Updated: edition since my world is about 272mb in size chunks tend to load in pretty slow and maybe this is a bug thats caused from that im not sure but basically name tags keep vanishing off of the animals I name, so far being sheep and one of my horses. 05/Sep/17 10:37 AM Resolved: 05/Sep/17 10:37 AM Activity Felix wasn’t lying to us!

Work, All The, and All: WHEN YOU DO NONE OF THE WORK BUT GET ALL THE CREDIT 34 20 22 I might be in danger

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