funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Bad, Dude, and Funny: damaramegido: lunar-lavender jumpingoffthewalls space-transgressor spanishskulduggery lalexicographe whosaprettypolyglot lingasms commandervimes lingasms i say we start a meme where we take jokes that don’t work in other languages and translate them without explanation maybe only tagging with the original language and confuse the heck out of everyone on tumblr who’s not in on the meme like in italian we say "prince light blue" (prince azzurro) instead of "prince charming and i just saw a joke that in english would be f you can’t find your prince charming, the solution is to take a random dude from the street and paint him what’s the difference between a stapler and a sewing machine? a stapler staples and a sewing machine doesn’t i take it back, these are still funny in a completely different way #what does the king of the spiders do? he reigns #1 forget how to say it in French but it’s still my favourite joke this was one of mine omg it’s one of my favourite ones ive ever made ever What’s the strongest cake in the world? Mike Cake What do you call a fish that’s a thief? A sea bass. What’s the difference between a cow and sheet metal ? None, both of them have milk What did the mother fish say to the baby fish? Nothing The guest next to me really likes persimmons (I cheated a bit, it’s a tongue twister.) What did the cat say to his injured friend? "Meow (via no-perks-in-being-a-homestuck-d Heard about the painter who lived in a bad place?

Police, Star, and One: What’s your star sign? safe speeding But that one doesn’t exist? none of them exist NSW Police Force Mercuuuuury retroooooograaaaaaaade!! NSW police keeping up with the times

Mobile games that have made their developers into legit billionaires (21 Photos)

Chills… literally chills

One of the forefathers of modern internet.

Birthday, Crush, and Drugs: Pick a number? THE BASICS REDDIT SEX & SEXUALITY 1 Age 25. How many followers do you have 49. Are you a virgin 2. Gender 26. Favorite subreddit 50. Has anyone seen you naked 3. Height 27. Favorite redditor 51. Have you any tattoos /piercings 4. Weight 28. Amount of time you spend on reddit 52. Have you had a same-sex experience 5. Where are you from 29. How many people have you chatted with 53. Have you ever sent a nude 54. Have you ever sexted 6. Zodiac sign 30. Last person you DM’d/Chatted 55. Have you ever kissed anyone 7. First name 31. How many subreddits do you follow 56. Am I attractive 8. Birthday 32. Do you follow any NSFW subreddits LOOKS FAVORITE THINGS SEXUAL NSFW 33. Hair style 9. Favorite color 57. Bra dick size 10. Favorite food 34. Hair color 58. Pubic hair: natural, trimmed, shaved or none Favorite music genre 11. 35. Eye color 59. Do you have any body hair 12. Favorite song 60. Guys-only: are you circumcised 36. Body type /build 13. Favorite movie 37. Ethnicity 61. How often do you masturbate 14. Favorite tv show 38. Favorite outfit 62. Last time you masturbated 63. Have you ever watched porn 15. Favorite animal 39. What are you wearing 16. Favorite thing to do 40. Type of underwear you wear 64. Ideal sexual / physical attributes 65. Favorite sexual fantasty LIFE EXPERIENCE RELATIONSHIPS 66. Turns ons / Turn offs 17. Your hobbies/sports 41 Sexuality 67. Any kinks 18. Future job /ambitions 42. Relationship status 43. Who is your crush 19. Have you drank / smoked MISC. 20. Have you done drugs 44. Celebrity crush 68. Send a selfie 45. Have you ever cheated on someone 21. Do you have any pets 70. Send me a DM/Chat message 22. Best memory 46. Ideal girlfriend/ boyfriend Ask whatever you like (can’t say no) 71. 47. Idea of a perfect date 23. Most embarrassing moment 72. Ask me one 24. Dream vacation 48. Have you asked anyone out Deku is a strong boy

Average 9gager

Birthday, Crush, and Drugs: Pick a number? THE BASICS REDDIT SEX & SEXUALITY 1 Age 49. Are you a virgin 25. How many followers do you have 2. Gender 26. Favorite subreddit 50. Has anyone seen you naked 3. Height 27. Favorite redditor 51. Have you any tattoos /piercings 4. Weight 28. Amount of time you spend on reddit 52. Have you had a same-sex experience 5. Where are you from 29. How many people have you chatted with 53. Have you ever sent a nude 6. Zodiac sign 54. Have you ever sexted 30. Last person you DM’d/Chatted 55. Have you ever kissed anyone 7. First name 31. How many subreddits do you follow 56. Am I attractive 8. Birthday 32. Do you follow any NSFW subreddits FAVORITE THINGS LOOKS SEXUAL NSFW 33. Hair style 9. Favorite color 57. Bra dick size 10. Favorite food 34. Hair color 58. Pubic hair: natural, trimmed, shaved or none Favorite music genre 11. 35. Eye color 59. Do you have any body hair 12. Favorite song 36. Body type / build 60. Guys-only: are you circumcised 13. Favorite movie 37. Ethnicity 61. How often do you masturbate 38. Favorite outfit 14. Favorite tv show 62. Last time you masturbated 63. Have you ever watched porn 15. Favorite animal 39. What are you wearing 64. Ideal sexual /physical attributes 16. Favorite thing to do 40. Type of underwear you wear 65. Favorite sexual fantasty LIFE EXPERIENCE RELATIONSHIPS 66. Turns ons Turn offs 17. Your hobbies/sports 41 Sexuality 67. Any kinks 18. Future job /ambitions 42. Relationship status 43. Who is your crush 19. Have you drank / smoked MISC. 20. Have you done drugs 44. Celebrity crush 68. Send a selfie 70. Send me a DM/Chat message 45. Have you ever cheated on someone 21. Do you have any pets 22. Best memory 46. Ideal girlfriend/ boyfriend Ask whatever you like (can’t say no) 71. 47. Idea of a perfect date 23. Most embarrassing moment 72. Ask me one 24. Dream vacation 48. Have you asked anyone out Ask me any one of them(I’m a guy)

I want a double whopper and some onion rings


All the Winning

Title here

Run Forest Run

A Falcon entered to a hen farm… The face in the end says it all

Unidentified shooters target Iraqi army and demonstrators with live bullets

Ok then

Foster mom is making sure kittens have full tummies

Life, Memes, and Business: ENE How’s it goin’? How’s what going? You know, things, life, whatnot. ENC Life is not whatnot, and it’s none of your business. Sixteen Candles

Screenshots arent memes

Valentines day in Finland

Wholesome reaction or this Grandpa

*looks at the stranger's butt. Hmmm

Im not robot

Winter has come to construction site

Invisible selfie stick.

How to invade

Finally some good f**king food

No partner no excuse

Hey, no pain no gain

That Must Have Taken A Lot Of Practice

The beautiful Cherry blossom in Japan

No, but actually yes.

Mamaaaaaa, UwU

Baby Woodland Critter Get Together

CNN is f**king dumb

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