funny images, video and GIF memes from all over the internet.

Minecraft, Genius, and Wired: LEVEL 5:PROFESSIONAL Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED 4,183,249 views Share Download Save 113K 3.6K WIRED SUBSCRIBEDN 4.9M subscribers Comments 14K Add a public comment… Accidental Genius 4 months ago Level 6: Minecraft Redstone Engineers. 52 7.3K I don’t know how they do redstone so well none of it makes any sense.

I need this! Yodas smile!

Give me a Hug and Let's go Home!

Amazingly Oddly Satisfying Migration with Ducks!

Man. Chris Wallace is now a never trumper for calling out lies

God, Memes, and Shark: Kin ky shark doo doo dodo dodo. Every day. We stray further from god. Found in none other than r/memes

Sad lyfe


Robber definitely didn’t plan well

Being at a buffet with some chinese

Calming Reflection (credit: cyan1618)

The difference between thank you and thank you so much

Ironic, Cracked, and Time: Gamer headset: on. Knuckles: cracked Girlfriend: none Yep…it’s gamer time Posted on a non ironic ‘gamer’ insta page

Listen up. This guys ad? It's @$!#.

Apple, Click, and Stfu: Apple Jules There are 1 or fewer| people in the U.S named Apple Jules. The estimates for one or both names are not absolute. There may be fewer people with this name, or none at all. Click here for more details. -Well, of course I know him. He’s me Stfu about the watermark

This pups heart seemed to stop while being walked by his owner. Good thing this guy was around..

Dog at the bottom, "You seeing this shit?"

Just taking out the trash

How old are you? Me:

Therapist: Harambephant isn't real. He can't hurt you. Harambephant:

Can your cat do that

Business, Mole, and Who: The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was none of his business Anniversary Edition Averis Werner Holzwarth and Wol Erlbruch. CUI ihbl Pugcor

Now that's a sale

Pretty impressive editing tbh

Two face democrats

Cosplay at its best – MegaCon 2018

“Why are you geh?”

Since Black Friday is coming up soon, we gotta remind our selves what it’s really about!

Cosplay at its best – MegaCon 2018

Solution to coronavirus problem

These bar things. Coaster + toothpick

People right now

Getting the last out in dodgeball

Break, Today, and Video: 9 year olds don’t mind PewDiePie taking a break. They just want to be warned before. A lot of people wait for a new PewDiePie video just to realize that there is none coming out today

Crying, Gandalf, and Work: birdblinder me, looking at the current state of the world, crying:I wish none of this had happened… Gandalf, materialising in my conscience, smiling kindly: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, besides the will of evil geekinglikeaboss This is wonderfully helpful. An interesting title

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