The Funniest Reddit Posts of the Week (January 3, 2025)

To be a Redditor (or at least, somebody who browses it) can feel like having a huge proportion of the internet at your fingertips. For one reason or another, it really seems to be a place that can attract every kind of semi-to-very online person imaginable, and they don’t hold back in giving us a gold mine of quality content. Sometimes this is genuinely useful information, other times it is a story that is hard to forget. Then, there is all the sheer silliness that can easily be found if you know where to look. A small selection of that can be found below, spanning every kind of topic and sense of humor imaginable. The front page of the internet is nothing if not a place to find variety, but it helps to have it condensed into a few select examples, to make the viewing experience a bit less overwhelming.