‘Wow, that’s pungent’: Woman complains every time coworker cooks Thai food for work potluck, flips out when she cooks special meal for her
Food can be a surprisingly contentious topic in the workplace. It seems like every office has that one person who insists on microwaving fish every other day or is always stealing food from other coworkers. Maybe it’s hangriness, or maybe certain individuals just never have any manners, but there is something about a lunch break that can bring out the more unpleasant side of people.
If your workplace happens to offer supposed perks like meals out together or office potlucks, the stakes can become even higher. There is always somebody who’s a picky eater or wants to use the occasion to advance some annoying office politics. If you are the person who is in charge of the food, this can be difficult to navigate. Try as you might, sometimes there is no pleasing everyone, and even if you go out of your way to accommodate others, they might not appreciate it.